Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Believe in Yourself

Of all the Ali quotes that I saw at the Museum that rang true to me, this one is probably the most fitting for my work situation.  When I first decided to run a self-paced math class, I had many critics, especially from my own colleagues.  It was a very difficult time for me at work and can still be at some times.  I was not appreciated for my efforts, in fact the opposite really.  Don't get me wrong, I received plenty of praise from my administration but just not from the other teachers.  It actually really hurt.  I had done nothing to hurt any of them and had never claimed that my way was the right way or the best way, it was just what I felt in my heart was the best way for me and for my students.

I was a third career teacher.  My first career was as an IT consultant who helped companies embrace change and change their companies for the better using new technology.  My second career was as a stay at home mom of 3 kids.  Both of those careers helped me decide to teach in a completely different way. I was convinced that my students were not learning well through traditional instruction with me as their teacher.  This is NOT to say that other students with other teachers were not learning.  It was just not working for me.  When our district started to go to a 1:1 ipad initiative, I immediately saw the possibilities!  I used my change agent background and my love of technology to make it happen.  My first semester and first year didn't have the greatest of results and it was a TON of work to do what I wanted to do.  However, I did not give up, despite the growing resentment in my building.

I have now been teaching a self-paced 6th grade math class for almost 5 years and I will not go back.  Yes, I continue to modify, Yes, I continue to improve the process.  Does it work perfectly for every student?  Of course not!  But does any teaching method?  No!  Do I think it allows more students to be successful?  Yes, I absolutely do!  Will I continue teaching this way?  Absolutely!  Do I think every teacher should do this?  Definitely not!  Some teachers are great at direct instruction and some subjects are better taught in that manner!  However, I would challenge any teacher to evaluate your reasons for doing things the way you do.  If the reasons aren't for student success, you might want to reevaluate?  Just a thought as we enter the new year!

Sunday, December 18, 2016


As I just finished taking the Flipped Learning Certification Course, this rings very true to me.  I have been a Flipped Educator for 5 years and many people have claimed it is "impossible" for them to flip their classes because of the content, lack of time, and the list goes on.  As Ali states above, Impossible is not a fact.  It is an opinion.  Nothing is impossible.  I am a 5 time Ironman finisher and was never an athlete.  I never knew how to swim front crawl until I was almost 40 years old!  I have one knee that is nearly bone on bone arthritic, yet I did not find it impossible to complete an Ironman.  In fact, I enjoyed the experience so much, I completed 4 more after my first!

Yes, it was hard to create my flipped mastery level classroom.  Was it impossible?  Definitely not!  Was it easy? Definitely not!  Did it take alot of time?  Absolutely!  Was it perfect the first time?  NO WAY!  Has it been worth it?  100%!  Is my life easier now that I have done it?  Definitely!

Challenge yourself to do something you think is impossible!  I promise you won't regret it!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Present Voluntarily....

How true is this Ali quote, especially during this special time of the year?  The holidays are upon us and it is a time of giving!  And giving without expectation of anything in return.  I love to give gifts!  I love to give to my students - treats, rewards, candy canes at Christmas, you name it, I love to give it.  Do I expect anything (well, other than a thank you?) from the people I give to?  Of course not!

I have the same philosophy in my teaching.  I continually want to give more to my teaching practice and I do not do it for any other reason than the satisfaction I get from making changes or improvements to my craft.  I like to give in the form of my time to my teaching counterpart. I have more free time than her, the mother of two twin boys in second grade.  My children are much older and need much less of my time right now.  So, I choose to give my time to our personalized learning environment and I really don't expect her to give back at the same level.  She gives back plenty and I want her to know that!  Just in professionalism, a shared desire to improve our students and in friendship.  I don't give my time so I can get a better evaluation either.  I truly give because I want to do right by my students.  I believe that by doing right by my students, the evaluation will take care of itself.

I believe the world would be a better place if more people gave rather than took.....