Sunday, November 27, 2016

Maintain a sense of Awe....

As we head into the holiday season, it seems fitting to talk about my feelings on this Ali quote.  I think it is important to always maintain a sense of awe in all that you do. I do really do this in my teaching, my athletics, my personal life, with my children and the list goes on.  In my teaching, I am constantly in awe of all those out there that have done this for so many years and have done it so well.  I am in awe of the teachers that teach in my district who are so inspired, hard working and caring for our students.  I didn't always find that caliber of teachers in the district where my own children went to school and I believe that is because the teachers didn't feel like they had to try very hard in our district because the kids had so much family support presumably.  In the district where I teach, the students really need us and we have to work hard for each and every one of them.  I see the teachers in my district working very hard all of the time and it is awe-inspiring.

In athletics, I am constantly in awe.  I am not a very gifted athlete, but what I lack in genetics I have in heart and effort.  I never give up, sometimes even when I should.  There are always people to be in awe of though.  Some are those that are genetically gifted and very fast.  However, those aren't really the ones that get my awe and admiration.  My awe and admiration go to the slow, the overweight, the handicapped, and the ones you would never expect to be there.  Those people inspire me constantly and make me try harder!

My children inspire awe in me because I honestly never thought I could love so much.  However, my children, as flawed as they are, bring me to tears on a regular basis in my worry for them and love for them.  I hurt when they hurt and want so much for their success.  I hope that they one day find what inspires them and they live a life of reverence and awe as well, realizing that there is so much out there greater than they are and there is a power greater than them that will guide them.

I won't lie, I am still searching for the inner peace written above but I am closer to it than I had ever been before and hope to continue building upon it.  I plan to continue to look for ways to be inspired and awed by all that is greater than me, even if it is simply a beautiful display of Christmas lights.  It is important to take in the little things in life and enjoy every moment.

Happy Holidays to All.....

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Being Courageous

This quote really resonates with me regarding the flipped classroom.  Teaching was not my first career or my easiest job!  When I started teaching, I was not very proud of my work and did not feel like a very good teacher.  In fact most days I felt like a failure.  I didn't feel like I was reaching very many students and I didn't feel like the students were really learning.  I felt this way especially about my average to higher average students.  They were not reaching their full potential in my class.  Honestly, I don't think I would have continued teaching had I not started flipping my class.  I am one who loves and embraces change and is always looking for a better way to do things.  I attended a math workshop with my teaching counterpart, where the 7th grade Special Ed Math teacher introduced us to the concept of self-paced math.  Right away I knew this was the answer to my problems.  My school was about to go to 1:1 ipads and my technology and change agent background allowed me to see the potential ahead!  I looked at my counterpart at that moment and said "I am going to do this as soon as I get the ipads!".  Luckily for me, she was willing to try too.  Even luckier for us, our administration was willing to let us try.  Honestly, I had not done any research on flipped learning or self-paced instruction, but I was courageous enough to start.  What we have developed has taken off and we have now been teaching this way for nearly 5 years and have inspired several other teachers in several other subject areas to do the same. I was awarded Teacher of the Year in my District 2 years ago, and I firmly believe that never would have happened had I not been courageous enough to take this risk! My students are doing so much better and in general I feel so much better about the job I am doing. Is it perfect all the time?  No, definitely not!  Does it work perfectly for every student?  No, of course not!  Is it a lot of work and difficult?  Yes, but not all the time and the benefits far outweigh the costs!  Is it better for the majority of students?  Yes, I believe it is!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Devote all your energy...

I want to dig a bit deeper into the quotes from Ali, the Greatest and show how they impact me and my teaching.  I like to start each new week with my students with an inspirational quote and ask them to think about how the quote relates to their lives so I want to do the same with these quotes from Ali.  The first is:


I think this is important, depending on your goals.  If your goal is to simply come to work, teach students, go home, maybe grade a few papers, then do it again the next day, you probably don't need to devote all of your energy, effort and abilities to your teaching.  Maybe it isn't the most important thing in your life and you need to devote all of your energies elsewhere.  That is ok if that is what works for you.  I know myself, personally, no matter what I have chosen to do, I've wanted to do it well and wanted to be recognized for doing the best job I could do.  So, yes, many would say I am a workaholic, and yes they would be right.  But when I decided to become a teacher, I wanted to be the best teacher I could be and give kids  the best experience I could give them.  I expect them to give me their best, so I plan to give them my best.

You can't expect to be recognized, or admired if you don't give 100% to the tasks at hand.  Its just like I tell my students, I don't give you your grades, you earn them.  I feel the same about my own career. No one gives me recognition or awards, I have gone out and earned them. It has not been an easy journey but I have felt that I have given it all my energy, effort and ability and will continue to do so as long as I am in this career!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Ali - the Greatest and his effect on me...

So, recently I went to Louisville Kentucky to compete in my 5th Ironman race.  While there, I had a few hours to spare and am not good at staying off my feet so I wandered over to the Muhammad Ali Center.  It was a great choice of how to spend my time!  I was so inspired there!  The man was a poet, an artist, a boxer of course, a helper, a teacher, the list goes on but no matter what he was passionate about everything he did and everything he believed in.  It inspired me to be more passionate in my beliefs.  I am sometimes too quiet at school about how passionately I believe in the flipped model of instruction because I know many of my co-workers disagree with me.  I no longer want to hide my feelings because I do think it is a better way for students to learn.  Does everyone have to do it my way?  Of course not, there are so many variations but one thing I do know is that children should not be forced to learn on a teacher's timeline or just their way.  I want to share some of the images I took while at Ali's museum- I hope some of them inspire you the way they did me!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

What's next?

So, now that I've been running a self-paced, flipped mastery math classroom, I am often asked what is next?  That is a good question.  I truly love teaching the way I do and passionately believe it is the right way to teach and best for the majority of students.  I think students are held to a higher level of accountability and can no longer hide in the classroom, not learning.  However, I am still struggling with what to do with the very unmotivated students who don't care or want to learn.  Maybe they would learn better in a direct instruction classroom where they are forced to listen?  But how do I do both?  That is my biggest struggle and I think it is a prevailing issue in our culture today.   How do you instill motivation?  I would really love to hear from others how you motivate students to want to learn and succeed.